Lynn Goodwin

Qualified Therapist

Lynn Goodwin

Qualified Therapist

About Services Contact Making an Appointment Tel:07811 315370
Services Contact Tel:07811 315370

Accredited Counsellor/Psychotherapist and Accredited Sex and Relationship Therapist

therapy path

Accredited Counsellor/Psychotherapist
Accredited Sex
Relationship Therapist

An Experienced & Qualified Therapist

I am a qualified and Accredited Counsellor/Psychotherapist and Accredited Sex and Relationship Therapist. I am also qualified in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing) which is a trauma therapy approach.

I work with individuals and couples with a wide range of needs including sex and relationship issues. I offer short and longer term therapy.

I am currently working either Face to Face in Inverurie, Aberdeenshire or I can also offer Online and Telephone sessions.

Lynn Goodwin Therapist and Cousellor


Life is not always easy and it can sometimes be a challenge; despite our best intentions things can go wrong and we can find ourselves struggling with day to day life. Perhaps you have run out of strategies for how to deal with life’s challenges, perhaps you don’t even know what the stresses are.

Deciding to get some support can be a first step in understanding what is going on for you. My hope is to help you understand the difficulties you are facing and help you work towards feeling better about yourself and living your fullest life.

I work with clients experiencing a variety of emotional issues and this can be done by talking about your issues in a warm encouraging space to help you decide your next steps of how you want your life to be.

Through my different trainings I have a number of ways to work and this will be guided by what resonates with you.

Here are some things that bring people to therapy:

• Anxiety and Depression
• Bereavement
• Affairs and betrayals
• Childhood abuse
• Health issues and concerns
• Chronic conditions
• Domestic abuse
• LGBTQ+ counselling
• Low confidence and Low self-esteem
• Infertility and miscarriage
• Pregnancy and birth trauma
• Postnatal depression
• Sex problems
• Relationship problems
• Separation and divorce
• Loneliness and feeling sad
• Suicidal thoughts
• Life stress and work related stress

Polyvagal Informed Practice

One of the ways I work is with Polyvagal Theory. This theory looks at how our nervous system responds in different situations.

Our nervous system automatically goes between safe and social, fight/flight and shutdown several times a day. Polyvagal Theory is a way of tuning in to the changes in your body, thoughts, and emotions.

These states are natural physical responses that we all have. Your body will always try to pick the best course of action to help you survive with the resources you have based on your past and current experiences. For example, this is why anxiety can often feel as though you are not in control. Your body acts to help you survive automatically and it really is not all ‘in your head’.

Some automatic responses may no longer fit your current situation, such as reacting extremely, withdrawing or shutting down from situations or relationships. Having more awareness of your bodies natural stress responses you can then build on the resources you already have so that you feel more empowered when faced with difficult situations.

Trauma and the nervous system

Polyvagal Theory

Trauma and the nervous system

Polyvagal Theory

Sex and Relationship Therapy

People are often very anxious about seeking help for problems around sex and intimacy. This is understandable as sharing your most private thoughts and feelings with a stranger can be daunting. I find people very quickly get used to talking, even at their first appointment. Clients tell me they feel a great relief in giving a voice to their difficulties. By speaking about them out loud the difficulty often loses some of its power and the process of change can begin.

We will discuss any experiences, emotions, and concerns that you may contribute to your dissatisfaction and challenges. We will then work on ways of doing things differently. Such as increasing sexual knowledge, building in coping mechanisms, increasing communication, and building in some sex and intimacy experiments and tasks to try at home.

I work with individuals and couples experiencing difficulties within their intimate relationships. You can attend our sessions on your own or with your partner.

Sexual Therapy

Some Reasons people come for Sex Therapy

• Loss of Sexual Desire (for men and woman)
• Differences in levels of sexual desire
• Difficulty getting aroused
• Pain During Intercourse/Penetration
• Difficulty getting and maintain an erection (Erectile dysfunction)
• Delayed Ejaculation or Premature Ejaculation
• Difficulties with orgasm (Anorgasmia)
• Lack of communication around sex in your relationship
• Sexual performance anxiety
• Difficulty and fear of penetration (Vaginismus-a tightening of vaginal muscles)
• Sexual Trauma

These are just some reasons people come for support, there are many more.

Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing – EMDR

Most of the time your body routinely manages new information and experiences without you being aware of it. However, when something out of the ordinary occurs and you are traumatised by an overwhelming event or by being repeatedly subjected to distress your natural coping mechanism can become overloaded.

This overloading can result in disturbing experiences remaining frozen in your brain or being “unprocessed”. EMDR helps create the connections between your brain’s memory networks, enabling your brain to process the traumatic memory in a very natural way.

EMDR is a recommended therapy by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) for PTSD it can also be a helpful treatment for a number of other difficulties such as:

• Trauma
• Anxiety and panic attacks
• Depression
• Stress
• Complicated grief
• Self-esteem and performance anxiety

Trauma and EMDR

EMDR Explanation

EMDR 8 Phases explained

Trauma and EMDR

EMDR Explanation

EMDR 8 Phases explained

Training, Qualifications & Experience

Registered General Nurse (RGN) Foresterhill College (1995-1998)

Registered Midwife (RM) Northern College (2000-2012)

Counselling Skills 1-4 (COSCA Validated Aberdeen University) (2007)

Specialist Module in Bereavement Counselling (COSCA Validated) (2008)

Post Graduate Diploma in Person Centred Counselling (Aberdeen University) (2010)

London Diploma in Psychosexual and Relationship Therapy (2016)

Certificate in Couple Counselling with Relationships Scotland (2019)

Counselling Tutor-Online and Telephone Counselling Course (2020)

Certificate in Compulsive Sexual Behaviour - CICS (2022)

Deb Dana Polyvagal Informed Masterclass - Pesi-UK (2023)

EMDR Part 1 -3 - Richman EMDR (2023)

Flash Technique - Justin Havens (2024)

Foundations of Polyvagal Informed Practice - Deb Dana (March 2024-Sept 2024)

MBACP (Accred) - Accredited Member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.

AccCOSRT - Accredited Member of College of Sexual and Relationship Therapists

bacp accreditation logo

bacp accreditation logo

cosrt accreditation logo

I started my Nurse training when I left school and really enjoyed the caring aspects of this profession. Caring for people when they needed it, I found to be extremely rewarding. I then decided to train as a Midwife, and through these experiences I gained a huge insight into the highs and lows of such a life changing period in peoples lives. It was at this time that I realised that I wanted to build on my communication skills so that I was able to help others as best I could.

I then started my Counselling career by enrolling in a Counselling skills course and I have not looked back. This then lead me to completing a Person-Centred Diploma in counselling where I gained so much insight into myself and others. I then decided to train as a Sex and Relationship Therapist as I felt that this was an area that was rarely spoken about. Through this I have gone onto develop my skills by completing a variety of trainings.

I have worked in many different settings such as Third Sector (Cruse Bereavement, Aberdeen Foyer and Avenue), Local Authority - Staff Counsellor (Time for Talking), NHS Grampian (OHS- Staff Counsellor) and My own Private Practice.

Making an Appointment

Initially, you can contact me via e mail or telephone/text and I offer a free 10 minute telephone call to discuss things further if required.

The next step would be to arrange an initial session, this will be either face to face in inverurie, zoom or telephone. Your counselling session will be 50 minutes. The number and frequency of sessions will be discussed and decided by you. I require payment 48 hours before our session. I also ask for 48 hours notice of cancellation otherwise the missed session will be charged for.

My session fees are £70-£80 depending on your affordability and circumstances this will be explored during our initial call. Some lower cost sessions are also available.  


I will treat the content of our sessions in the strictest confidence, there is however exceptions to this and confidence would be broken if any of the following is disclosed: Concerns about the safety of yourself, a child or vulnerable adult, a disclosure relating to a serious crime, money laundering and terrorist activities. However, I will aim to discuss any concerns if they arise.

I will send you my Counselling Agreement prior to our first session. I will let you know how I store your data and personal information. I abide by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (2018). I am also a member of ICO and I am on their Data protection register you can find out more at ICO.


Lynn Goodwin, Relationship Therapist,
Aberdeenshire AB51 5TB

07811 315370